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(originally posted on LinkeIn)
If you are leading or considering a collaborative joint venture here are a few of my top tips for you to consider: ❇️What's your why? Collaboration is not necessarily suitable or wise for all projects and outcomes. It's best suited to complex problems that demand effort to achieve a change. ❇️Leadership Be prepared to engage in the collaborator's dance of moving between leading and following. Come with an understanding of what you bring, coupled with a deep humility, and respect for what others bring. ❇️Finding the solutions Spend at least 80% of your time together coming to a shared agreement of the problem and then work together to co-design the solution. Don't come with solutions and don't hold on to any idea too tight, too soon. ...go ahead & post your thoughts and additional top tips in the comments below.
(originally posted on LinkedIn)
The call to Collaborative Leadership is akin to the call to Servant Leadership. What is Servant Leadership? "The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first.” -Robert K. Greenleaf It requires: a growth mindset, adaptive behaviours, an openness to vulnerability, empowering approach, oodles of humility, readiness to learn and a "dance" between leading & following. The best test according to Greenleaf - did those served grow and prosper? For the public service, it is about reimagining the spirit of being a public servant. Copyright©2020|Nazanin Jenkin Ltd.|wwwnazaninjenkin.com| [email protected] | +634 21 478253 |
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September 2021